Date Tue, Aug 16, 2022


Everything you need to know about learning programming for children

Perhaps you asked yourself one day when using some electronic devices how a specific page opens on the computer or an application when pressing a button and not another!!

You may also have wondered while playing electronic games such as football, for example, about how this player moves to the left when I give him the command to move to the left, and how he responds to the command to kick the ball, for example, despite the fact that he is certainly not rational!!

You may have wondered about the difference between Android and IOS operating systems!!

The answer to all these questions can be summed up in one word, which is programming. Programming is defined as placing a set of instructions through some codes for any electronic device, whether it is a computer, mobile phone, television, or any device that contains a control unit to execute certain commands.

Many parents have turned to teaching programming to children. In addition to considering it a future job that is increasingly in demand day after day, learning it gives the child many other skills, such as logical thinking, for example.

Why do children learn programming?

Parents may understand the importance of programming for adults, especially if the thinking is limited to providing better job opportunities, but most of them have not heard about the benefits of programming for children, and this is what we will try to answer in this article:

  1. Programming language is like any other language. Just as a child learns English, Spanish, and French to deal with people, let us consider that he learns programming to deal better with devices and electronics. This may push him to design programs and applications later that will facilitate something he needs personally.
  2. Programming teaches the child logical thinking and makes him more capable of thinking in a better sequence instead of randomly, from the beginning of identifying the problem and its data until taking specific steps to solve that problem.
  3. Teaching children programming gives them flexibility and confidence and that there is not always one right answer; just as there is a right way, there are other ways that lead to the same goal, which makes them more receptive to their thinking and the thinking of others.
  4. Programming teaches the child creative thinking and thinking outside the box, and develops his imagination, moving from limitation to unlimited thinking and ambition.
  5. Learn programming child planning and organization.
  6. Programming makes the child feel accomplished, especially when he finishes any project, which enhances his self-confidence.
  7. Teaching the child programming patience to solve the obstacles he faces.
  8. Programming develops the child's math skills.
  9. Develop skills in using computers and electronic devices instead of spending long hours in front of them aimlessly.
  10. Teaching programming to children helps them find a source of income at an early age, especially since some parents in our Arab countries today have become interested in teaching children to interact with practical life so that they are not shocked by reality later and so that they learn some personal and life skills in a practical way.
  11. Programming teaches children to be self-reliant. Instead of waiting for other people to solve their problems, they take the initiative to deal with the problem and try to find the appropriate solution.
  12. Programming helps in finding a future job, especially since all specializations have become closely related to it, starting from medical specializations, passing through accounting, and reaching all engineering specializations .


Programming courses for children | Their way to the future

When is it best to start teaching programming to children?

Most parents start teaching their children programming at the age of eight or ten, but you may be shocked to learn that some parents start with their children at the age of five or at the beginning of awareness and discrimination.

Let me add to your surprise by telling you that some parents start at the age of three because they know the benefits of learning programming at an early age.

But wait a moment, do not think that someone who starts at this very early age is teaching his child direct programming languages, codes and the like, but rather is focusing on teaching him programming thinking and other basics related to programming.

I feel that these lines have made you nervous, but let me tell you what is most important of all, which is that the appropriate age for teaching programming to children varies from one child to another, and it depends on the child’s abilities and mental skills, the extent of his passion for computers and electronic devices, and the extent of his love for exploration and knowledge of other principles.

Explore what are the benefits of a child learning programming .

What are the programming paths?

The field of programming seems like an interesting field, and it is indeed so, but programming, like other fields, is divided into specializations or paths. Perhaps the first piece of advice that can be given to you at the beginning of your journey is to determine the path that you prefer to learn first, master, and implement many projects in. After that, it is up to you and your desire if you want to learn another path or if you want to be satisfied with that.

Programming has 4 main tracks:

Website Development Path:

This path is the most popular, the most in demand, and the easiest to learn; but be careful because it is also the most competitive.

This track consists of two parts:

  • Front-end: This section refers to the part that the average user sees and interacts with. This section initially uses programming languages ​​such as Javascript , CSS, and HTML. In the next section, we will discuss programming languages ​​in some detail.
  • Back-end: This section refers to the part that is concerned with processing data, i.e. receiving and resending it. It is, of course, a part that the average user does not see. This section uses programming languages ​​such as Python, PHP, and MYSQL.

It is not necessary to start developing websites with complete knowledge of both sections, but you must start by learning one of them first, specializing in it, and then start with the other.

Mobile Application Development Path:

As a result of the spread of the use of mobile phones more than computers, and this is certainly due to programming, which has made the mobile phone similar to a portable computer; this specialty has spread in recent years at lightning speed, so the matter has become more comfortable for the user and more difficult for the programmer, as competition has increased and it has become important to come up with out-of-the-box ideas to find a place for them in the midst of all these applications.

We can say that working in this field requires not only high craftsmanship, but also a sense of creativity and thinking that can reach the depths of the user's mind.

The most important programming languages ​​used in this track are:

  • Kotlin.
  • Java.
  • Swift.

Game Development Path:

This field is considered one of the distinctive fields, but its drawback is that it is not widespread in Arab countries because it requires a lot of work and capabilities to produce satisfactory results.

When working in this path, you need ready-made programs called game engines, the most important of which are:

  • Godot.
  • Unreal.
  • Unity.

Desktop Software Development Path:

It refers to the path in which you develop programs such as Illustrator, Anti-viruses, Office, etc. It is one of the most complex paths, as this path uses almost all programming languages.

Have you heard of the EMSAT Computer Science test ? Here are also past EMSAT test models .

Develop your children's programming skills with courses

What are the top 5 programming languages ​​for kids?

In fact, talking about programming languages ​​specifically is endless, and the parent may find himself confused about all these languages, especially if his knowledge about programming is limited; he will not be able to direct his child at first to the most appropriate languages ​​for him.

To clarify this, let us mention some programming languages, as an example, including:


It is often used in written commands and texts as well as other uses.


It is the oldest programming language from which other languages ​​such as C++ later emerged.


It is often used in administrative work.

  1. Boomerang
  2. RUST
  3. EASY
  4. CURL
  5. Perl
  6. Pascal

Feeling stressed or frustrated? Don't worry. Your child won't have to learn all of these languages; they can just learn one. We won't talk about programming languages ​​in general, but we will talk in more detail about the languages ​​used to teach programming to children:

  • This language is one of the most popular programming languages ​​ever, especially since it is used by children and adults alike; this is due to its ease as it relies mainly on text commands and is considered the cornerstone for learning other programming languages , which makes it an ideal choice for beginners.
  • It should be noted that this language will not be suitable as a start for all children, but you can start with other languages ​​and then move on to Python if the child is very young.
  • This language is also considered one of the most popular programming languages ​​for children. It is characterized by its reliance on colors and visuals, and is specialized in graphics. It is also based on play, which makes the child more attentive and less bored.
  • The child can use this language to create stories and electronic games, making them closer to his childhood environment.
  • It is one of the easiest languages, and although it is considered one of the favorite languages ​​for children , it may be more realistic to use for relatively older children; it is more preferred in the fields of applications and robotics.
  • This language is characterized by its simplicity and the fact that it works on different operating systems. It is also characterized by its many uses and is also a clear, interpreted language, which makes it one of the best beginnings for teaching programming to children.
  • Perhaps what I see as the most important feature of this language is the large number of people working on developing it and correcting its errors, and therefore we believe that it will continue for years longer than its counterparts.
  • This language is widely used in 3D animation and also uses simple semantics which makes it suitable for those who are not very familiar with programming.

Discover the 7 best summer activities for kids in the UAE.

What are the best free resources for teaching kids programming ?

    • It is a website specialized in teaching children the SCRATCH visual programming language, which is why it is used in designing games, stories, and animation.
    • This site is specially designed to teach programming to children especially those between the ages of 8-16.
    • One of its most important features is that it is possible to create projects through their application without connecting to the Internet.
    • This site is available in about 70 languages.
      • This site is one of the most important free resources used by learners from almost middle school all the way up to university.
        • This site is used to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python.
        • It is considered one of the safest sites for children and their privacy.
          • This application is specially designed for young children and is suitable for the age group from 4 to 10 years.
            • This site teaches kids programming through puzzles and games.
            • He is specifically interested in Javascript.
              • This site is based on interactive education through puzzles and showing the results immediately.
              • This site aims to initially connect children with programming and increase their connection and passion for it, and then move on to studying it in more depth.

              If you prefer your child to study programming in an interactive, academic way and under the supervision of teachers, then is the ideal way to teach programming to children, as it has provided many courses that suit the various purposes of the learner. It has provided:

              These courses from are characterized by the following:

              1. Flexibility in choosing appointments.
              2. Presented online via Zoom.
              3. Presented by a group of foreign and Arab experts in the field of programming and content creation.

              What are the main problems in teaching programming to children?

              Programming language is like any other language. Despite its fun and importance in learning it, the road is not rosy and you will face many troubles, perhaps the most important of which are:

              1. Difficulty in initially preparing the mind for programming thinking.
              2. Distraction at first, especially if you are self-taught.
              3. Having to sit in front of the computer for long hours.
              4. The problem of codes and the possibility of an entire project failing if one code is forgotten or even replaced.
              5. Any software project requires a lot of planning before it can be implemented.
              6. Learning programming requires more patience and perseverance.

              Is your son or daughter having problems studying? Find out what learning difficulties are in children .

              What are the most important tips for starting to learn programming ?

              First of all, we have to admit that learning programming is not easy, but it is not impossible. Understanding this fact will help you overcome the frustration that may affect you during this difficult but enjoyable journey. These are the most important tips:

              1. Determine the goal of learning programming. Learning something randomly and without a goal will of course not make you successful, especially since randomness is not compatible with programming at all, even in the smallest details.
              2. Choose one language and one path to learn at first and you should know that it is absolutely impossible to master all programming languages.
              3. Learning programming is an ongoing process, so never start unless you are ready to complete it and do not wait for the arrival stage because each step in it will lead you to the next step and you can consider it like a ladder, so it is illogical to stop halfway.
              4. More training and completing projects because this in turn gives you a lot of experience.
              5. Don't be shy to show your projects to others, especially supporters, and don't listen to discouraging talk or attempts to belittle what you do.

              How do we use artificial intelligence tools in teaching programming to children?

              Using AI tools in learning programming can play a major role in enhancing the learning path and developing individuals’ programming skills. AI provides a variety of educational tools and resources that can help simplify the learning process, such as interactive environments and educational platforms that provide interactive learning experiences and programming simulations. For example, AI algorithms can be used to create application environments that enable students to experiment with code and see the results immediately, enhancing their understanding and confidence in their programming skills. In addition, machine learning techniques can provide personalized educational resources according to the needs and levels of students, making the learning process more effective and efficient. Using data analytics, AI can also provide detailed feedback on student performance and tips for improving their performance. Ultimately, the power of using AI tools lies in enhancing interaction and practical experience in the programming learning process, which contributes to developing students’ skills and motivating them to continue learning this exciting field.


              It is true that programming is something additional, but its importance is increasing day after day. It is true that it gives you many skills, but it also requires a lot and a lot from you.

              If you are one of those who get bored of using the computer for long hours, do not bother learning programming. However, if you feel the desire to do so, know that it is really worth the effort.

              It doesn't matter which programming language you start learning, the important thing is that you start, as some languages ​​disappear over time and others appear constantly.

              All you have to do to save time and effort is to take advantage of programming courses for children from

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